Poules en Ville is a registered company, founded in December 2015, in Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada by Louise Arbour whose mission is to provide products (pre-assembled chicken coops) and services related to urban hens, and to promote all aspects of keeping laying hens in urban areas in a safe and responsible way. Poules en Ville distributes chicken poultry health products. The line is Chick'N Swell has several products distributed in Canada and USA. Author of the book : Des poules dans ma cour, a complete guide on how to care and keep backyard chickens in Norht America. The book is under translation to English and should publish in 2023.
The primary activity of Poules en Ville is to educate the population on the safe pleasures of keeping laying hens in urban areas through training, conferences, webinars and book writing. Poules en Ville also sells products such as a pre-assembled chicken house, automatic door, various products and accessories.
Another important activity of Poules en Ville is to assist, accompany and voluntarily support citizens in legalizing and supervising the keeping of chickens in their cities. In this regard, it has set up numerous Facebook groups to facilitate citizen collaboration. Poules en Ville provides training workshops on the care and custody of hens. In addition, Poules en ville works to inform and bridge the gap between all stakeholders. With the blog, the website, the Facebook page, the newsletter etc., Poules en Ville tries to connect companies working in the poultry, grain, veterinary etc. sector.
Poules en Ville, it's thousands of people following on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/poulesenville/ in Canada there are thousands of followers and an opportunity for partners to promote their products or sponsor Poules en Ville and have their logo added to the Poules en Ville website.
Poules en ville is also dedicated to promoting sustainable development. Because without concrete actions, we jeopardize the survival and well-being of future generations. Keeping laying hens is part of this vision of soil regeneration through composting as well as better management of waste and organic matter.
With all of its partners working in related sectors related to laying hens, Poules en Ville offers as much information as possible in one place. A diversified and complete crossroads of information.
Primary website: www.poulesenville.com ( urban chickens coops Canada)
https://formation.poulesenville.com/ ( Online training)
Facebook Poulesenville ( Primary facebook page)
Facebook: Chick'N Swell ( products)
Facebook English: Urban Chicken Coops Canada
Facebook: Des Poules dans ma Cour ( book page)
Facebook: Association Québécoise pour les Poulaillers Urbains AQPU